looks pretty grungey to me, if thats even a word. Did you do that with charcoal? I’ve never tried grunge, but it sure does look interesting.
Nice, abit wicked. but i like wicked things, lol. :-\
all photoshop and ■■■■ u guys answer fast
Offcousrse, when someone is bored, he would post fast.
bored indeed, im typing with one hand and the other hand on my mouse holding the cursor on the submit button. =)
Haha electro! :bandit:
ha! i gotta philly stake and chesse in one hand, typing w/other. very good vts, i was wondering when you were going to do grunge.
Boo! It’s cool but I like the original Edwin style. Everyone does “grunge” - it’s very trendy, but no one can work it the way you do Ed!
heh this is the original image
then i did this
maan! gotta try grunging too!
Hi edwin,
I hope u could change the folder name “xxx”, because my ISP bans these name.
haha i know
Ok, attach it, this way we all can view it.
:o :o :o I like the one with the colors very much. And can anyone define grunge exactly?
It’s meant to be kind of a dirty, scratched up style. Kind of like the fashion of the same name. Skanky, if that word exists outside of the British Isles.
And I actually prefer the one with the colour.