CMS/admin pannel and xml photo gallery

I have a phot gallery made with flash and xml.
i have no idea how to create and admin pannel where my client could update the xml without mess it up. just and interface witch will implement the xml (uplaod file, delete file etc…)
do you guys know any place where i can find a tutorial or a free cms who could help me with that?

thanks a looot


I have been looking too, and have come across a couple of potential solutions…

This looks really good, although it is not free. (Check out the demo.)

There is also a flash xml manager for FIG - Flash Image Gallery ( ) which has a php Admin / CMS that generates xml. It is pretty good and easy enough to customise, but it unfortunately has a problem with modern browsers where the drag-able sort-able list code he is using (tool-man javascripts) kills the ability to focus the text areas needed to enter image descriptions.

The License for this code is stated only as “Free.” Not sure exactly what that means. I have contacted the author but have received no reply yet.

If anyone is interested in working with me to customise this code, or can help with the textarea issue, then please contact me.

I have been working on a similar project. It is incorporated into a “profiles” type site for my work to create “about us” pages for the employees. Each profile page has a flash photo gallery, and the admin page for each user has a gallery management feature. I would be happy to share the code for it with you. Basically, it is a component with two parts.

The first part is an upload application where you can browse for a file and enter a caption. The php script creates a directory for the user if it does not already exist, resizes the image, creates a thumbnail, and stores the info in a database.

The second part is a typical thumb scroller, but when you click on one of the thumbs, a confirm dialog comes up and then it deletes the image and the record in the database.

Unfortunately, the site is currently on our intranet, and I don’t have access to ssh into that particular server. On tuesday, I will upload it to a public server and give you the address.

Basically, the key is to

  1. Create the flash upload form using a fileReference class
  2. Create a php script to handle the upload (copy uploaded file to directory, resize image, create thumb, store record in the database)
  3. Create a php script to generate the xml for the thumb scroller and to handle deleting the photos
  4. Create a php script to generate the xml for the main photo gallery.

I would be happy to share the code that I created for this project.

Thanks, I would be very appreciative if you would share your code.

So, I have moved it to a public server.

You can log in with test/test

Then go to
This displays the flash image upload app. You can upload images and click an image to erase. To see the gallery, just click the “Select Profile” link and click my name to view my profile.

I still need to iron out some bugs in other parts, but the upload/maintenance part works ok. I still havent tested it with any large images on this server. I haven’t checked the php.ini for max filesize and script timeout yet, but this is really just to share.

If this seems like something that people might like, I will pull it out and make it an independent package. Just let me know what you think


I would definately be interested in having a chance to look at the full code. Thanks.