I have a meeting with a potential client this upcoming Wed. If I am hired, I will be redesigning his website, the major components he wants are galleries of his sculpture art and a way to update the images himself.
My idea: develop a custom CMS so he or his secretary can easily update what images are in the online flash galleries. My idea right now is an HTML/PHP form where they would enter what gallery the image goes to and maybe an upload button for the image, they hit submit and the PHP form edits an XML document which is where the gallery gets its image info from. Can anyone help me figure out how to do this? Or if there is an easier way to develop a CMS for them to update the images in the gallery themselves? Being able to remove images via a custom CMS would be ideal.
I just graduated with an AA degree a couple months ago but I focused on the front-end design aspect of web design, so I am not that backend savvy, but I learn fast. I appreciate any help and insight anyone can offer me.