Code for my character amination please help

Hi Guys,

I am trying to write code for my char animation. in the scene I have 4 layers: character, sky, ground and actions. all are to symbols(except actions of course)

For my character symbol(movieclip) I have one still frame as default, 2 walk cycles, and a jump. all done on a timeline. the main problem im having is that it doesnt stop, as it is supposed to, on the first default frame.

i put stop(); in the first frame of the movieclip and wanted to do my code in the actions layers in my scene but this stubborn character will not stop and I dont know what to do…

Has anyone any ideas why it is not working for me? Please help if you can
here’s the little code i have in my scene
import flash.display.MovieClip;

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, stage_walkRight);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, stage_walkRightStop);

function stage_walkRight(event:KeyboardEvent):void

myAlien.x +=50;

function stage_walkRightStop(event:KeyboardEvent):void

myAlien.x +=0;