This is driving me mad! While the code in old files seems to be fine, the code in new files is simply being ignored by Flash! It’s not tracing my traces, it’s not stopping at stops (which is a mess, I tell you) and it’s not even noticing the errors I put in when I was trying to figure out what was going wrong! I mash a few keys and hit “Run” and it still ignores me!
What’s weird is that it does run code if I put it in AS2 mode (I only know this because I was converting such a file to AS3 at the time). Once I converted it over to AS3 it started ignoring me, but I finished the job at the time because I figured something else was the problem. But now it’s happening everywhere, even in brand new files created for AS3… but not in existing flash files, which work fine.
It happens both in scripts (frame scripts, that is) and in object files. Anyone have any idea what I’m doing wrong? Have I forgotten something basic, did I accidentally change some setting, or is something weirder at work?