I just finished making an animation and I got everything working just the way I wanted. It uses some actionscript 3 on the timeline for the replay button and to stop nested movieclips and such. Then when I showed the swf in class, it ignored all the actionscript. Luckily I was able to play it in the fla and it worked. But then I tested it on a school computer, and even in the fla it ignored the actionscript. I opened another fla, and actionscript 3 worked just fine. It was just this one file that was freaking out. I checked the publish settings and made them the same for both files. Still no good. I put trace statements and stops on the main timeline and in nested movieclips, and nothing worked. Finally I tried switching to AS2 and it could recognize that, with the code that’s the same across AS 2 and 3. But this is CS4 and I’m exporting for Flash 10.
Can anyone think of any possible explanation for why Flash could just completely ignore my AS3 on the timeline like this?