Cold fusion - what's the deal

any kirupa members got experience with cold fusion?

i need to know if it’s worth getting into. I’m a flasher/html type guy with p-shop,freehand skills who knows just enough php, javascript, perl, html and actionscript to be dangerous…!

I’m transitioning into web development (last seven years in print/packaging/graphic design) and need to know what kind of skills i should work on to make myself employable…

i want to put some time in at a “design-house” before I go out on my own (eventually).

any input from people in the bidniz would be totally awesome (dudes)


I’ve tried it, and I liked it. If you’re familiar with HTML already then it’s fairly easy to get into. Plus if you own Studio MX, ColdFusion will integrate with all of that making coding easier.

The only problem I’ve found is that (certainly over here in the UK) most companies on’t use it. They prefer ASP or PHP or JSP. There doesn’t seem to be much call for ColdFusion development.

No offense but WHY do you want to learn coldfusion?

I cant say I know anything about it myself…just going by ear of what the entire programming department of each job I’ve had have had to say about CF. Results werent very good.

Like Kit said, PHP would be the one to learn. However I’d stray from ASP considering it only runs on Windows servers (or on Linux with patches and all that junk).