[ColdFusion] - Sending an ID from an XML object

What is the correct way to pass variables to a cfm so it can use it to do queries, when using an XML object+sendAndLoad in flash…i want to pass it a simple mapID…

what should i parse in the senderXML?

something like senderXML.parseXML("<mapID>2</mapID>");

or should i use senderXML.parseXML(“mapID=2”);

or what?

and is there any reason why flash+xmlobject.sendAndLoad()+coldfusion wouldnt work?

please any (and i mean any) ideas would be greatly appreciated

Well, I don’t know anything about this, but guessing by the name, it would seem


would be much more valid than


(that isn’t xml… so parseXML wouldn’t make sense there…)