Ok guys im building a massive map/virtual tour thingy…and i need to send a “mapID” variable to a coldfusion cfm page, which will get the variable and spit out a bunch of variables for that mapID and then ill load it back into flash.
I was using a sendAndLoad(), but that was when the vars were just MIME style strings…now we are changing it to XML…so the cfm will generate XML style set of variables…
Now i kno flash really doesnt care what extension is the file that the XML obect tries to load, as long as it finds the right type of data in it…ive tested it loading XML from a .cfm and it works fine.
But…the problem is…what do i do in flash so i can first - send an ID to a cfm…then - fill an XML object with the results that the cfm generats from the ID i sent it…
there must be a way…:rd: