ColdFusion to PHP

Hi all:

I have a site that I’m working on and our old developer did everthing in ColdFusion. I don’t know ColdFusion and I have a snippet of ColdFusion code that I need converted to PHP. It’s a feed coming from Here is the current code:

<cfhttp url="" method="GET" resolveurl="No">
        <cfset industry_news_xml=XMLParse(cfhttp.FileContent)>
          <cfloop index="x" from="1" to="4">
            <p><strong>[x].title.xmlText#</strong><br />
   #Left([x].description.xmlText, 75)#...<a href="[x].link.xmlText#" target="_blank" class="more">READ MORE >></a></p><hr size="1" noshade="noshade" />

If any of you might now how to convert this to PHP, I’d appreciate it. Thanks!
