I guess most of those on here are from America but just out of interest, are a band called ‘coldplay’ big over there. What about oasis, have you heard of them? what do you think?
coldplay: never heard of it.
oasis: suck big time! not jus the songs…
[SIZE=1]who never heard of oasis must live in a cave.[/SIZE]
coldplay: never heard of it
oasis: no idea
You’ve never heard of Coldplay? You’re missing out, you really are…
What about Travis? Starsailor? Stereophonics?
*Originally posted by Syko *
**coldplay: never heard of it
oasis: no idea
I think my post was very helpful! :P:P
Ranskanblam, HokusPokus, Basketim, XPTO36 ???
Yah COld Play got alot of radio air time up here in Canada - I just cannot remember the song, wasnt it Yellow or something?
As for Oasisi - they were HUGE a few years back with Wonderwall and the bunch - but they have pretty much fallen off. I saw an interview with the 2 brothers and man are they Dicks!
Coldplay does really nice music, but their second album sounds a bit too much like their first.
Oasis: used to do great music, now they’re just fighting and getting drunk :-\ Poor them…
Coldplay - They’re a great band. Yellow and trouble are both great songs. They come to Birmingham on tours quite often, so they’re kinda big here.
Oasis - I think I remember them from like 4 years ago, but I didn’t really like them.
Foo Fighters are great. This is my favorite song right now.
i think ive heard one of their songs, i didnt like them too much, and ive never heard of oasis
Noel and Liam Gallagher (the two brothers from Oasis) are rather known for fisticuffs. Think Liam had his two front teeth knocked out not long ago in a fight.
They’ve been big over here for years now, but it seems like America doesn’t want to know. Same with most of our indie bands really. How about Blur? Did they make it over there?
We like your exports though. I love Nickelback, Sum 41, Bowling For Soup…
I have heard of Coldplay before and Oasis. Oasis’ music was good for a while, but it just didn’t have anything to make it an interesting listen for more than a few times. Just out of curiosity, about how many bands do you all listen to?
For some reason, I can’t listen to more than one band at any given time period. If their music is good, I try to find all their CDs, B-Sides, rarities, European releases, etc. I think I am going looney =)
Kirupa :elderly:
Personally I listen to a ton of “bands” at a time - I just like all the music - whatever sounds good.
Myself, I am a lyrics guy. I could care less if the beat is “bangin” as long as the content is there. I mean there are exceptions but for the most part - it’s gotta make me want to listen.
I think that’s why I like rap and hip hop so much. Not the “bling bling” crap but the real stuff!
I am with you sureshot,
I have a broad spectrum of musical tastes. I am mostly into hard rock. Pantera, Slipknot, Hatebreed
But I do like the mellower side of rock as well,
and very little rap. I like old school Like dre, snoop, eazy-e
This new R&B crap that floods mtv is not even musical. Its just a bunch of hooker slinging pimps with silver teeth blurting out as many words as they can in thier 3 minute song. They dont sing about killing cops anymore, killing eachother. That was entertaining. I dont care how much money they have, thats all they rap about. the only reason they have money is because americas little rich white kids find it a nescessity to get into a culture they dont even understand. Dont get me wrong I am not black or even have the slightest understanding of the African American culture, but I do have the ability to realize WHO I AM.
Sorry I didnt mean to rant there.
God I could go on about that forever.
hahahaha ok man…
I dont think the thing about “killing cops and eachother” is what rap is about overall you kind of freaked me out a bit there.
It’s about expression and freeedom of speach and saying what you really think and how you really feel. Now most music an be inturpruted this way but this is mostly an outlet for African Americans - at least when it started. It was their way to show their culture, what happens in their lives.
Now since it is popular corporate america wants to make as much money as it can off it so it does whatever it takes. It also doesnt help that guys get into the buisness because they know there is money involved and all they want to talk about is how much money they have and how many “ho’s” they have slept with in the last 7 days. But I guess this happens in everything - there is always going to be your divisons - people who do it because they love it and for the right reasons and those who do it for the money, the fame and say whatever there corp exec want’s them to.
Now I am not gonig to lie and say that I dont like some of these kinds of songs, I mean that new one by Nelly about the Nike Air Force 1’s - what a stupid *** song but for some reason I like it. Idont know if it’s the beats or the lyrics are kind of funny or what. But I like it.
I am in agreement with you on the old school stuff man, NWA, Snoop, Dre, Rahkim, DMC, Slick Rick - these are all albums I have in my collection and listen to on a regular basis.
Talk about a rant - sorry
didnt mean to freak you out there, I was just making a wacky blanket statement. I am not for the killing of cops or people, I was being OVERLY sarcastic.
Its hard to relay that over text.
What I meant to say is the old school beefs were the best. The east coast vs the west in an all out brawl of nasty words. It was pretty entertaining.
I just dont like todays rap…R&B…whatever the heck you want to call it…gawd I soud old here (22)
I will just stick to my white trash Meatal
Yah Ifigured man i know your not THAT messed
I am for the beefs to man, i lovethe rap that becomes of it. As long as it stays on wax and not the streets. Have you heard any of the tracks between Eminem and Benzino latley? Amazing (at least the ones from Em are!)
Oh no… Rock all the way boys.
You just can’t beat the guitar and drum combination.
Coldplay is overplayed on American radio. So they were all yellow too, get over it…Men should not hit notes that high, and i really wish he would bleed himself dry.
Speaking of drying up, Oasis seemed to enjoy moderate success in the states, and then people woke up and realized that they suck. The Gallagher brothers ought to be smashed with a sledgehammer by the comedian, Gallagher. The lead singer made his brother sing for their unplugged performance, while he sat in the booth and watched. It was all downhill from there…
Blur on the other hand is pretty cool, and David Alburn saw much success with the Gorillaz album. (he is 2-D… the ‘sunshine in a bag’ song, Clint Eastwood) Fans of gorillaz should not miss Deltron 3030, which was a precursor to gorillaz, featuring Dan the automator, Del the Funkee Homosapien, and even Damon Alburn on one track. Make like a library book, and check it out…
I hear you kit, I am mostly rock based, but enjoy everything that sounds good to me.
See we are on the same page.
Now you want to marry me and have my children?