Collapsing dropdown menus, how to...?

Hello friends. I’ve just setup a dropdown menu which expands on Rollover and collapse when moving the mouse out of buttons area. Everything works fine while just one item in the main menu. I’m again into trouble after I add three more items to my main menu, cause I can’t figure out how to close a open submenu when I’m rollingOver any other one. Please could you help me on this?

Select your main menu (that has 3 sub-menus), and make a movieclip out of the main menu part. Now, put this actionscript on that mc:

on (rollover) { ()

or something to that effect, and get rid of the actionscript in the main MC.

Hey Karel,

I have you treid using a hitTest? I just did a menu on my site if that is what you want I can send it to you:)