First off… To be able to do this you need to have acces to a PHP-enabled web host… Flash cna not directly make connections to databases and therefore needs php to send out data… If you have one of these…
GO take a look in the Flash MX or FLash Action sections of the tutorial listing here at… It should have someting about mySQL and Flash and php… Read up about that…
Me personally… I wouldn’t even bother making a database for something like that… I would use a text file and manage it from there… But that’s just me… And I love me textFiles…
Basically you would then take text inputted in and add it on to the end of a qury string and send it to the php page…
Well… I don’t have any tut’s… I just kind-a explain myself roughly through these dang posts until my site gets completely done… Which will probably be never lmao… But anyways…
I just send data through Flash MX to PHP or just Use PHP alone… When the php collects the data… It appends the data like such in the text file… (believe I had 3 people in this already)
That’s basically how I’d put this together in the text file…
Then in my php page I would load the textfile in and with a for loop… I’d load each data object in 3 array objects… name[], number[], email[]. Now… The only time that you would call this though… Is if you sent out the demand in the FLash MX page of yours… Just send out three demands to loadVariables… And then you just change around the data objects inside of the Flash page…
Oh wow… Is that enough stuff for you?! lol… it’s a pain I know… If you relly want me to give you code examples from the Flash MX or PHP Scripting sides of these I can… But you’ll have to give me a night or two…
YEah… I’ll get around to it tomorrow night… I’m going to bed now… Been sniffing around paint fumes and paint thinner all day… Phew… I’ve got a headache… But anyways… Yeha I’ll work with you tomorrow night… I’ve got it figured out in my head better to explain it as well.