Database with flash and php?

Hey All!
I’ve been searching this site and other various online resources and I can’t seem to find a way to allow users to enter in their name/email address through a flash form, then to store those email addresses on a text document or a Microsoft Access database.

The problem is that my server doesn’t allow ASP, so hopeully there is a PHP script that will allow me to do all this. I’m a newbie with php, so I need some major help :tb:

I apologize if this question has been posted/answered already (cause I couldn’t find it anywhere on the forum). Thanks in advance guys! :rabbit:

If it is a Linux server, sounds like it if it doesn’t have ASP, you probably need to learn to store data in a mySQL db using PHP. You got a little reading to do, but it isn’t too bad.

Do the php/flash email form tutorial, but change the php script to insert to database instead of mail. There are plenty of insert tutorials around, just search for them.