Hey, does anyone know a good tutorial for coloring in sketches/uncolored drawings. All the tutorials i found is just like highlighting and shading sketches, =/. Thanks
look at the quickie colour job thread, pretty sure theres a link there to a anime style drawing , colouring in.
go to http://www.bakaneko.com/ THen drawing tutorial, and the bottom are links to computer colouring methods.
Kitiaras tutorial is pretty nice…
Oh kits tut , forgot about that.
Lost whats with the Pandas?
HAHAHA, that smiley rocks!
And it is the inside cover of the Venetian Snares - Doll Doll Doll album…
thanks for the smiley comment, i made a few ages ago,
I like the third one best, did you ever offer that up to kirupa to add to the list of smileys? or would you rather not?
go ahead, thats why I made them for.
edit:: I havent asked Kirupa yet.
*Originally posted by Soulty *
**go ahead, thats why I made them for.
edit:: I havent asked Kirupa yet. **
Hope you don’t mind… I just did :bad:
You can of course tell him not to add them if he decides to of course.
dont mind at all, never got the chance to do it myself, thats why it never happened. all up to K-man now.
edit :: at this point , i should say sorry to davie for taking over his thread, lol. sorry dude. Hope that link helped you out.
it’s ok, back to topic
and soulty, if I know kirupa, he’ll add it as soon as he sees losts request
just wait and see
back to topic.
found a pretty nice tutorial, runs through the colouring process, solid backs, to shading and background methods, check it out
Very good tutorial there Soulty, same with that last link you posted. I find these very useful ::saves to favorites::
thanks , last one was eilsoe link, from the other thread, quickie colour job.