hey all…
i cut an image of a car out in Fireworks MX and kinda blended the edges into the background so its not too jagged, then i applied a layer underneath this with the same hexcode colour as my background in Flash MX…
imported this image into my flash presentation and it looks fine to me…
when i asked some friends what they thought of the basic layout they said they didnt like the pink box around the car… after some investigation i realised that it was this background…
if i take out the background and have it with a transparent background, rather than blend to the red im using, it blends to a white so thats no good
ive tried flattening and removing via the magic wand but that just blends it to a pink…
ive tried all sorts and i cant work out why its displaying pink on some monitors (its the correct colour on my CRT and my dads LCD…) any ideas?
the version its getting pink on is a jpg… does that have anything to do with it? i havent actually tried nontransparent gif i must admit…
(for original jpg see attached file)
(< cut out png)
oh and the hexcode for the red bg is #DB334C
thanks for any help u mite be able to giv/wisdom to share!!
PS i know its only a small image but im on 800X600 so it looked bigger than i thought!! lol anyway, ive got a nother, bigger image (thats different) which I intend to do the same with but if its just going to “pink out” the red then why waste a day doing the pre-image-animation and cutting out??