Hello all, for the past few weeks i have been putting together a 2D flash fighter for a final in my interactive communications design class and I seem to have hit a stump. The class was primarily a design class but i was more interested in the programming aspect of flash. So far actionscript has been fantastic. I just have one issue that i have been slamming my head against the monitor about for the past 6 hours.
I have scoured this and countless other forums looking for the data, Im sure its easy enough I am just missing it. I have also walked through about 9 tutorials on this site since i found these forums as well lol. An amazing resource this has been.
Thus leads me to my current predicament and why I have come to ask help. I can achieve movement and basic attack in my game just fine. What i am unable to do is create a combo.
I used a if (Key.isDown(65&& 83)) function for a dual button press combo and that works fine, but I’d like a more indepth combo capability. It also seems to break at the introduction of 3buttons.
I’d like to be able to do something along the lines of A + AB + A or something of that nature to execute a more powerful attack. I attempted nested if statements hoping it would chain down the heirarchy and trigger each as the user pressed button in sequintial order, but to no avail. I am at a total loss here.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks so much…