Combobox problem showing full stops after sending variable to function array

hi all… i really need some help here, its driving me mad and i dont think i will ever solve this.

ok here goes.
im trying to populate a combobox with an array and when i send a variable to this function instead of populating the combobox with my array it instead just populates its with full stops, now when i check the output with trace it shows its ok. so this is where i so fed up. if it shows to output the correct result then why does it mess up.

here is the code for the first frame on the stage.

carArray = new Array(“Chrysler”,“Porche”,“Mazda”,“Toyota”);
foodArray = new Array(“Hamburger”,“Hotdog”,“Pizza”);
drinkArray = new Array(“Water”,“Beer”,“Wine”,“Martini”);


poo = drinkArray ;

function setSubCombo() {
var subArray = ‘poo’;
for(var i=0; i<subArray.length; i++) {

and in the button i have this

on (release) {
_root.poo = ‘foodArray’;


ok now i have tried this in many different ways, using global variable ect ect and no matter how many methods i use i get the same result.

so please help me for i dont have the brains to work this out.
i so hate myself right now, never ever ask for help, but this time i dont have faith in my stupid self.

love to you all… but NO love to bush or blair

ok i have worked it out now, not really fixed it as such it just means i have to write a lot more code todo a simple thing, not very good way of doing it but i think flash has a lot of bugs they need to fix.

im surprised no one even made a suggestion.