Combobox Send data ASP

Hey all,

I’ve got a small question. I’m planning to use the combobox component in a project. The data and labels are set by AS. When the user clicks the button, i want to send the selected option to an ASPX page. But how? Anyone got suggestions for sending this data? What I got now is :

my_cb.addItem({data:0, label:"Select it!"});
my_cb.addItem({data: 1, label:"Selection 1"});
my_cb.addItem({data: 2, label:"Selection 2"});
my_cb.addItem({data: 3, label:"Selection 3"});

// Tell the combo change method to fire when the change event is
// fired by the combo box
my_cb.addEventListener ("change", onComboChange);
// Method called by the change event listener
function onComboChange (event:Object):Void
// Get the label and the data properties from the event object passed in
// to this method by the change event
var label:String =;
var data:String =;
// Trace the value to check it out
trace ("label : " + label);
trace ("data : " + data);

var operator = my_cb.selectedItem;
trace("You have selected: " + operator.label);

go_mc.onRelease = function (){
    getURL ("post.aspx" ,"_self", "POST");