Compare Dates

hello all… excellent site !!! i have found so many answers here i hope you guys can help me with this one, i have a big headacke… i’m renewing a site for a friend and i cant find a solution to my upcoming question.

He wants like a gallery but only text, i need to load a different text everyday of the year (they’re call rhemas, they’re like messages), so, i can load them already with a java calendar, everything its good so far but he also would like to keep the upcoming rhemas unknown…

for example: if today is 04/12/2009 the user wont be able to see the rhemas from 05/12/2009 and on… and that has to change every night. so i did it the last year with 365 btns lol, i check the dates on every btn with .getTime and place an if to compare with the seconds since 1970.

the problem is that i have to use a calendar to get the seconds for everyday to compare so i figure that it has to be a better way to do it.

what i’m trying to do now its to get the date from a java calendar and get the value from the field with “” to call each .txt everyday but i cant figure out something to compare when the user pick a random day from the future… to not load that days rhema… i need like enable the buttons from tomorrows and on or something like that but i don’t know much about java… i can see the resembled to AS tough.

Here are the links and files to see if someone can help me out…

This is what im working on…