Compatible html coding for IE and Firefox


I’m having trouble designing a site to display properly in both IE and Firefox.

The company that i work for has a policy that we make sure that sites display properly in IE first and foremost.

However, as hard as i try i cannot get the current site that i am working on to display properly in both IE and Firefox. Their isn’t major problems just lining things up etc.

I generally use tables for laying out the site.

i was wondering if anyone knows of a list of incompatiblities between the 2 browsers? or have i fallen into the trap of lazy coding in IE?

any links or tools that could help me would be gratly appreciated.

many thanks

hmm, i’ve encountered one issue
firefox does not display the attribute bgcolor
u have to declare a CSS class to get the webpage to render the background color
otherwise it just displays white
firefox forces CSS implementation, i think

a google search will reveal your answer. Also if the requirement is IE. Why shoot for FF? It is still hovering around 1% of the market share. Maybe have a browser sniffer redirect the user to a page that tells them to use IE. Or have a version which dgrades garcefully. There are many ways around this. But search first.

firefox isn’t near 1% anymore :wink:

according to cnet: 18 were using gecko based… I can’t find any more detail than that

edit: that’s the records to

I can’t remember, but I don’t think bgcolor is correct, css is definately the best way to do it, and tables are wacko :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well you could atleast show an example of what wrong. Tell we can assess the situation. You shouldnt use tables, divs more but its ok when your lazy.

Do you know how many gecko based browsers there are? Gecko based browser is a general term. Take a look at all the gecko based browsers (keep in mind NS is gecko based as well)

The youth of America today :h: :to:

funny to also note see how many fixes have been issued since firefox was dloaded? Which means it is not the Second Coming if you know what I mean. Wait till mozilla gains ground everyone is going to start bashing it…lol.

You shouldn’t be coding HTML with attributes like that now-a-days.
Friefox is ahead of it’s time, while most designers are moving on Firefox is already there.
CSS should be a key part of any webpage on the net now.
Even IE, bloody microsoft…