Completed Site :)

Well I worked on it some more today, changed the name and got it finished up. I don’t know if the email sends right yet but so far I’m happy with it. This was my first major/actual flash project :slight_smile: Comments and critique are greatly appreciated.

Thanks for taking the time to look. :kir:
Now to start on the photo gallery… :frowning:

WOW a contact form with hard to read pixel fonts!! This is amazing. You don’t have a site, you have a contact form, hardly a “Completed Sites”.

-_- I know I asked for critiques but I suppose I expected pleasant and not worded in complete-jerk format. Sigh. It’s a completed site to me. I don’t want something with a ton of pages, I want it to be simple. I’ll fix the font though, I see what you mean there. I’m going to add a photogallery to the right side of the contact form. Have like… 6 little pictures and a mouse over gives you the full view but I just need to get enough drawings and stuff to start that.

Ok no need to call me a jerk. I think the blur effect is cool, but you might want to stick in a menu system, have like an about page, a blog, contact form etc. Stuff that a normal site has. If you want to like add in like 6 images, you are limiting your self, might as well put in a gallery.

Yes, def. not a site at all. Just a contact form. Even “simple” web sites have structure and navigation. Your’s is a red box with a grey background. Look at some other web sites for inspiration. You’ve got a long way to go.

Who are you guys to define what a site is?

Either way, Red background with white color text isn’t working for me. Kinda glaring in my face… Just my $.5

Mmk. And sorry acj, been a long day and I’ve put an obscene amount of work into this little bit so I got sort of defensive. xD But yeah, I can see where you all are coming from. Thanks for the input. I’ll get to work on a menu system. :slight_smile:

I define a site as a menu and content. Also most sites have more the one page but it is not required.

:pa: Wha??? That required an obscene amount of work from you???

And everyone else is right - this isnt even close to a site - its a small element of a site…a red box with some pixel fonts and some pixel text fields, which looks ok…

Uhm… thanks? Yes it took me alot of time considering I’m new to flash and this was my first project that wasn’t following a tutorial video.

Hey Nectar, nice one. Building contact forms in Flash is not as easy as everyone imagines. Pixel fonts are neat when they work with the concept of the design. For improved legibility, you could use something like Helvetica and turn off anti-aliasing to get a larger pixel font for example. Please post again when more of the site is complete.