Complications with dynamic text load

I have a movie which I want to load some text and an image dynamically. I’m keeping it simple right now so I’m just shooting at external .txt doc and an image of a generic name.

Anyway, in addition to the dynamic text, I’m using the greensock tween classes to do some nice code-based animation…nothing too fancy…just a text move. This works fine. What doesn’t work is my dynamic text and I’ve narrowed it down to a mask layer.

here’s my code:

import gs.*;
import gs.easing.*
import gs.utils.TransformMatrixProxy;
/*, 0, {alpha:0});, .5, {alpha:1, delay:.50});*/

var tmp = new TransformMatrixProxy(copy);
tmp.registrationX = 0;
tmp.registrationY = 0;, 0, {skewX:30, skewY:-50});, .5, {skewX:0, skewY:0, delay:.25, ease:Expo.easeOut});, 0, {blurFilter:{blurX:20, blurY:55}});, .6, { blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0},delay:.25});

var myContent:TextField = new TextField();
var myCFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();

myCFormat.font = "AvantGarde";
myCFormat.color = "0x000000";
myCFormat.size = 12;


myContent.text = "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab.";
myContent.width = 450;
myContent.height = 100;
myContent.x = 58;
myContent.y = 100;
myContent.multiline = true;
myContent.wordWrap = true;


I have an mc w/an instance name of copy on one layer and a layer mask on the one above it. When I tested the movie, the code-based animation runs fine…no problems. But the dynamic text fails to show up. I pulled the copy mc out from under the the mask layer and tested it that way…viola…the dynamic text works. So, my question is if there’s a way I need to treat the mask layer or can I create one dynamically? Any suggestions would be awesome.