OK guys and girls i need to submit something to them. i need to get my stuff published its like my lifetime dream but i dont knwo what to submit. Your job, if you dare take it, is to browse through my personal archivegasp and select images you think i should submit and maybe a brief reason why you like it, if not i wont care im not picky. here is the link. http://www.edwinrosero.com/electron/gallery_one
BTW the FINAL folder has some real crap quality images. base the decision off of those, dont worry on ym PC i have the better quality versions.
personally, my favourites were (in no particular order) :
15, 2, 35, 40, 49, 59, 23, 28, 42 and 68 (-:
out of these, i think the best were 15, 49, 28, 68…
and 28 is the one that mdipi recommends, because it really does show your style, so i think you should go with that one!
man it’s like a dream come true to see all the stuff you’ve made!
The pic mdipi shows was the desktop background for a while some time ago! That pic is the ulltimaatteee!
hey vts your work is gonna be in ‘CA’ ? I subscribe to this magazine, hopefuly they publish the same interviews/artists -
don’t forget to mention kirupacom !!!:beam: