Computer arts magazine

OK guys and girls i need to submit something to them. i need to get my stuff published its like my lifetime dream but i dont knwo what to submit. Your job, if you dare take it, is to browse through my personal archivegasp and select images you think i should submit and maybe a brief reason why you like it, if not i wont care im not picky. here is the link.

BTW the FINAL folder has some real crap quality images. base the decision off of those, dont worry on ym PC i have the better quality versions.

so much emotion and it shows your style and abilities.

ok… this is a hard task, but i’ve tried :stuck_out_tongue:

personally, my favourites were (in no particular order) :

15, 2, 35, 40, 49, 59, 23, 28, 42 and 68 (-:

out of these, i think the best were 15, 49, 28, 68…
and 28 is the one that mdipi recommends, because it really does show your style, so i think you should go with that one!

it’s so cool :slight_smile:


I agree! I love that picture! Look at the clouds, its awesome!

That one! :beam:

How many you sending?

  • Soul :s:

i liked two a lot also, but i thought this one was the best

I love the clouds!!! :beam:

  • Soul :s:

either the first one that dippy said or

very very nice… lots of emotion and such


i love that peice :love:

i can submit multiple images and the ones i thought about submiting u guys have posted. Im thinking about creating somenew ones also

Yeh, the sexy clouds one and the robot in the ground for me! :beam:

  • Soul :s:

man it’s like a dream come true to see all the stuff you’ve made!
The pic mdipi shows was the desktop background for a while some time ago! That pic is the ulltimaatteee!

edwin, you should show your work to wizards of the coast.

*note this isnt my favorite.

been looking @ your work m8…

think we’ll be seeing you very soon…

agree with soul too…

after all he’s my new spoon m8…

“Yeh, the sexy clouds one and the robot in the ground for me!”

i would imagine that you can submit as much as you want…

they will make the final call…

good luck with it…

hey vts your work is gonna be in ‘CA’ ? I subscribe to this magazine, hopefuly they publish the same interviews/artists -
don’t forget to mention kirupacom !!!:beam:

this one too!

vts - send as much as you want because they all follow a similar style!

when my stuff got in they put in a few pieces from a particular style!
oh, and because of this i got the front double page of exposure!