I love it
to vts31: Are you a Chinese? (Just asking bacause of the Chinese character I saw in 1 of you art. :beam: )
nice work !
You deserve that reconition from the radio, your work is very nice.
It’s nice, a lot of the pics weren’t loading though, are they just still to be uploaded?
It would be nice if you added titles for the images.
i´m getting tired of making comments about your works…
…i never get the chance to say ‘i don´t like it’, or ‘the colors aren´t good’ or even ‘you gotta work more on that…’…
…Damm :bad:
great work edwin! :A+:
Very simple layout and very nicley designed.
I love it.
Now give me your source code so I can claim it as my own to all my friends!! muwhahahahaha
*Originally posted by lairusi *
**to vts31: Are you a Chinese? (Just asking bacause of the Chinese character I saw in 1 of you art. :beam: ) **
im Hispanic.
BTW the gallery was not coded by me. but buy my friend, he wont site of the week recently on kirupa.com. www.askthefool.com
Glad you guys like my gallery code
Edwin’s art makes my gallery look ugly, but nevertheless it works.
If any of you are intrested in setting up something similar on your site let me know. I’m not releasing the code (for free), but since its fully dynamic, all you’d have to do is add images to a directory.
I could customize an .swf and send it to you
Hey edwin,
The gallery looks awesome. Also, great work on the gallery back-end ask I got to see a pick of ask’s gallery a few days ago via AIM - simply cool!
Kirupa :bandit:
Legoman what pictures in particualar were you having trouble with. When I was setting it up last night for Edwin, everything seemed to be working fine.
It looks great and works really smooth for me. I like it. =)
wow your pictures that you created are amazing!:geek:
When I tried earllier, a lot weren’t loading, but I’ve just been through again and it seems fine:-\
I still think you should incorporate titles though…
vts31:But can you read chinese text? (I hope I’m not annoying you)
i can read a few kanji yes
edwin, i practiced and practiced but i still suck
you must be a natural…it was practice that “perfected” you
i need practice to get me to a mediocre level…
nice drawings…don’t you get tired of people saying that? noone offers much constructive criticism, oh well