Computer hardware possibly?

Ok, uhm, my computer is wrecked i think. I am no hard-ware expert, in fact I know little about it at all. Apparently, says my friend, you can take any ram, as long as it fits in the slots and place it in there and it will work. Well about 2 months later, my computer stopped working. Could it possibly be the RAM, 2 months later.

Basically what happens is that my BIOS will boot up and everything, then the windows XP loading thingy appears right. It will stay there for about a second(way less time than it normally does) then all of a sudden, the BIOS boots back up giving me options. I forget exactly what the options were but it was like

startup windows normally

startup windows in safe mode

startup windows from command prompt

There were those 3 options.

When I chose startup windows normally or startup windows in safe mode, it will do the same thing… It will reboot back to the BIOS as soon as windows tries to boot. Then when I pick startup windows from the command prompt, it will show a bunch of text on the screen, to fast to read, as it goes up, and more is placed at the bottom. Then it will just reboot back the BIOS.

So i took the RAM out, that I put in. I rebooted it, it gave me a different screen. The one that would normally show up when the BIOS is started. but this time it would just freeze. So i put the otehr RAM back in, and it does the same thing as it does form the start.