basicly, when i turn on my pc, it just freezes when it sais “memory test complete”. oh and btw, the keyboard doesnt do anything.
Any ideas?
basicly, when i turn on my pc, it just freezes when it sais “memory test complete”. oh and btw, the keyboard doesnt do anything.
Any ideas?
Keyboard plugged in? Can u access your bios before memory test is complete with a F10, F11, DEL, INS or whatever your PC needs?
Got a windows boot disk?
Don’t really know what to suggest…
…do you have a harddrive plugged in? Reseat it.
PC or MAC?
thanks for the quick responses!
i am using a pc(not a mac)
my keyboard is plugged in. and i think it is working cos when i turn my pc on it flashes, but it wont let me press anything.
btw it doesnt even seem to do the memory test, it just sais “memory ok”
im going now to try tp put in a REALLY old hardrive (windows 98 or 95 installed on it… i only kept it because i liked the dos games)
il tell you how it goes.
yes do try a different harddrive - that way we have a better idea if it’s a problem with your motherboard or hd.
looks more like a mobo problem to me, though, because you aren’t even going to the boot process.
I know you have been answered, but I’m just itching to point out that the thread title is “pc wont start”
Try booting from a CD… try seeing if you can use Linux live.
i cant boot from cd because it gets stuck b4 it gets to that point.
i inserted the old hdd (windows 98 hebrew enabled lol), and it does work, but it froze whilst trying to install the drivers for the new hardware
hm if you managed to boot from the old hdd, then you should be able to boot from a CD. with your old hdd connected, enter the bios and put CD first in the boot order.
This is just to help nokrev’s suggestion, but hopefully you’re familiar with Linux, if not your only chance just might be to format your hd.
Yeah… I don’t understand why you can’t boot off a CD and you can a different HD. That doesn’t seem right…
I would think if it were a HD problem it would get past the the post and then you would get a disk not found error, am i right?
… No. It has to find the drives first; if it can’t find a HD (particularly a master HD) it won’t get to the boot options part.
If you can plug your old HD in at the same time as your current one, you could plug your old one in as the master drive and copy whatever you want to backup from your current drive onto the old drive, reformat your current drive and then install windows (or whatever you’re using) back onto it. Then, if it boots, you could copy the backups fom the old drive back onto your current one. And then replace it as the master drive.
… It’s what I did on a similar occasion. Might be best to reformat your old drive and install another OS onto that if Windows 98 doesn’t like your hardware.
When your pc starts does it make any continuous beeping sounds?
Second take out your ram and put them back.
If that doesnt work you can try clearing your cmos its a little black or red jumper near the battery of your motherboard.
You can also try booting another pc with the HDD to see if its locks up if it does then your gonna have to format that HDD.
Good luck and post your progress.
That sounds like a good idea. Obviously check the connection with the IDE/sata cables too, but I presume you’d have done that. Did you do anything before this happened to your pc? Like mess with HD jumpers? Mess around with anything in windows? Bios? Or did it just happen…?
i went to a computer repair shop and theyl see what they can do. But thanks for the help anyway!
i went to a computer repair shop and theyl see what they can do. But thanks for the help anyway!
Get ready to get raped :-/
Yeah lol, the one I was about to go to was like $70/hour to work on a computer. I ended up fixing it myself after a lot of teeth grinding frustration:P
well actually, this guy fixed it right there and then. but i decided to keep it there overnight to fix past problems. he said the cost will be no more than 10-15 ponds. i trust him. it is a guy from the luton arndale market btw.
ofcourse this was after he raped me.
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