
yea, i recently god some sweet addons to my comp, including a blue cold cathode light and an awesome fan controller… heres some pics, the filesizes are large but if you have broadband then its fine

also, i encourage others who have sweet computers to post pics of yours!


my buddy hast that same case with neon on the upper strips.

Cool case, dirty floor. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, and you expect it to be clean? im 14!!


new case soon too, and neon lighted fans!!

heres the case:

in the dark i thought that tissue was underware! ahahah

why not buy more RAM or a better processor, etc.? Just seems like money wasted to me… I just think if you are going to spen money on your comp use it to make it a better comp, not a better looking comp. JMHO

Although I definitly think it looks cool.


see i dont htink i will ever buy a new comp, i will jsut keep replacing stuff untill its new lol

Ryall, i already have great comp parts under the hood, why not show off the rest?

amd xp 2200+
786 DDR 266mhz
30 gb 5400
geforce 4 ti 4200 128 mb
(1) 17" dell trinitron flat (not LCD)
(1) 19" dell trinitron flat (not LCD)

i think ill just make my case pretty!


You should’ve upgraded the HD. 30 gb is kinda small. Plus, more ram wouldn’t hurt, and you could get a radeon 9700, or a monitor bigger than 19". I agree with Ryall, unless you go to LAN’s every weekend, then this thread is about as much use as you can get from a case.

grr… its up to me to do what i want with my money… AND I WANT IT TO LOOK COOL! :beam:

i could use a 9700, but im gettin some more money soon, i got a few jobs so…

i dont need more ram, its fine…

a new harddrive, thats the next thing on my list :slight_smile:


its not like its a car. It stays on my desk and half the time is a holder for my books or stray papers. Why would i need to make it look pretty. If I could save money by putting the parts in a cardboard box I would.

I would save the money and get two LCD screens instead of cathode lites…

Putting lights in your computer is like putting 20" rims on a 1987 Buick LaSabre

k, i like it… and thats all that matters eh?

I was just stating my opinoin. Nothing against you. :slight_smile:

it does look cool though guys, you gotta admit that…

i think that it looks cool, but it would probally get annoying easy. Especially if you have a head ach:P

yeah it looks cool, but eh, I’m a minimalist… if I am going to pay money for something it either needs to taste good or have a function. I don’t own anything because “It looks cool”

Yep, it looks really cool. If you like looks, get one of the cases that you can see through on the side. That’d look really cool.

yeah i want one of those (wont get one but want) then neon inside.

i found something to add to the ole christmas list. But what happens if the bulb burns out? they would have to sell replacments.

haha it would burn out in the first day with all the hours that im online. :stuck_out_tongue:

nali, i am gettin one of those cases you can see through, heres the link…

and im definetly NOT a minimalist, i like pretty stuff, especially SHINY STUFF!! woohoo

anyway, i recently upgraded my computer alot and i had some extra money so i decided to spruce up my room… seeing as the rest of it looks like sh*t
