Confusing - Depth on tile based games

Hi all, I’m currently in the process of making a Zelda-style test game using the tutorials found on Tonypa’s website. However, I have run into some very confusing problems which have stumped me. I did come up with a couple of pretty “hacky” solutions to these problems but none which seem to be very efficient.

It’s quite hard for me to explain but here I will try using images I took from an emulator (I own the actual game so it is legal :pleased: )

As you can see, parts of the tiles are solid, non-solid and some allow the hero to move behind the building.

I would also like to know this:

I know the 2D zelda games uses tile based system, but how do they work with objects like these?

Objects like the grass which can be cut, or picked up etc. One solution is to have another timeline layer, and use placeable movieclips but there must be a more efficient method?

So 2 questions really, but any help on either is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

(Sorry for any bad english, it is not a first language of mine)