For those of you who live in the UK, I’d really appreciate knowing who you use for internet connection from home and how much it costs.
I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that it gets a tad confusing - which of course is what the ISP providers want
Anyway, it would be interesting to compare and contrast what’s happening here in the UK.
Those who are going to say '24/7 connection all for free ‘cos Dad pays for it’, need not reply - I am a Dad! :P:P
Edited to say that I pay £11.75 per month to Scotland on line unlimited access at 56k, but pay British Telecom for all calls to local POP (roughly £30 per month) - so total internet access cost = £41.75.
because we dont. i can send you my essay about nation sovereignty if you wish
cello: BY is generally considered to be the best broadband providers in the UK. I have 512k cable from BY: no complaints here. BY totally rock compared to NTL Can’t remember how much it costs. Not as much as Kit’s (we have a telewest line as well). You can get a 2mb connection (aka heaven) for £54.99 a month :beam: :beam:
I’m upgrading my DSL from 512kbits a second to 2mbits right now. It costs about ?85 a month from ZenADSL. And for anyone that is thinking thats a little expensive (about $110), I don’t pay for it, my dad doesn’t pay for it, Oracle Corporation pay for it.
And why are we all using ? for the pound? I thought it was £?
They’re quite a small company I think. But ?85(why are we using? for £?)is the cheapest we could find for 2mbit/s DSL, so we went with them.
Cable isn’t in my area, because I live down a tiny cul-de-sac and they can’t be bothered to lay the cables down just to give two or three people 2mbit/s cable.
*Originally posted by Cello * Those who are going to say '24/7 connection all for free ‘cos Dad pays for it’, need not reply - I am a Dad!
so not that helpful then?
*Originally posted by njs12345 *
**Cello, why don’t you get some kind of broadband? 3(ish) times the price for 40x the speed isn’t a bad deal **
I assume that’s one of the things he’s considering? hence the post? :-\
Blueyonder is generally accepted to be the best available. BT have got OpenWorld or something, but you never seem to hear much good about it like you do with the Telewest service.
If you get your TV and / or phone through Telewest, then you get the broadband at a cheaper rate.