Contact form


I am having problems with a Flash contact page. It connects to a PHP file which stores the information. The problem is it stores all the information, name, email, message but it fails to store the “Phone”.

It has somethign to do with these lines of code. Can anyone help me.

fscommand(“allowscale”, “false”);
// set some variables
mailform = “mailform.php”;
confirm = “Thank you a confirmation email has been sent to your email address.”;
action = “send”;
error1 = “valid email required”;
error2 = “input required”;
// and focus on variable fname
// validate email function
function validate(address) {
if (address.length>=7) {
if (address.indexOf("@")>0) {
if ((address.indexOf("@")+2)<address.lastIndexOf(".")) {
if (address.lastIndexOf(".")<(address.length-2)) {
return (true);
return (false);
// form check
function formcheck() {
if ((((email == null)) || (email.length<1)) || (email == “valid email required”)) {
email = error1;
action = “”;
if (!validate(email)) {
email = error1;
action = “”;
if ((name == null) || (name == “”)) {
name = error2;
action = “”;
if ((phone == null) || (phone == “”)) {
phone = error2;
action = “”;
if ((comments == null) || (comments == “”)) {
comments = error2;
action = “”;

if ((validate(email)) && (email != error1) && (phone != "") && (name != "") && (name != error2) && (comments != "") && (comments != error2)) {
	action = "send";
	loadVariablesNum(mailform, 0, "POST");
