Contact scripting

hi can anyone help me

i got this email form from flashkit and it works fine - i just need to add an extra field called phone number. Unfortunately the PHP file is not picking the “phone” variable up?

can anyone help me pleeeeeeeeeeeeease


fscommand(“allowscale”, “false”);
// set some variables
mailform = “mailform.php”;
confirm = “Thank you a confirmation email has been sent to your email address.”;
action = “send”;
error1 = “valid email required”;
error2 = “input required”;
// and focus on variable fname
// validate email function
function validate(address) {
if (address.length>=7) {
if (address.indexOf("@")>0) {
if ((address.indexOf("@")+2)<address.lastIndexOf(".")) {
if (address.lastIndexOf(".")<(address.length-2)) {
return (true);
return (false);
// form check
function formcheck() {
if ((((email == null)) || (email.length<1)) || (email == “valid email required”)) {
email = error1;
action = “”;
if (!validate(email)) {
email = error1;
action = “”;
if ((name == null) || (name == “”)) {
name = error2;
action = “”;
if ((comments == null) || (comments == “”)) {
comments = error2;
action = “”;

if ((validate(email)) && (email != error1) && (name != "") && (name != error2) && (comments != "") && (comments != error2)) {
	action = "send";
	loadVariablesNum(mailform, 0, "POST");


THe problem is the phone input box is not storing the number, where does it go here and how?

would apreciate it a lot if anyone can help