Contact lenses

As you all know Im using glasses.
They are big, I hate glasses, I dont know why :frowning:
I broke them 5 times, now I bough a big one so it does not broke.

I was thinking of contact lenses. anybody uses contact lenses.
if so. would you please tell me how does it feel and is it better than glasses.

with glasses when I train taekwondow I lose then on the floor and so on, also in football.

thank you
-blast :jail:

I play football and wrestling…I also wear contacts…I wear the soft ones that you throw away every 2 weeks…I havent had any problems with them and sports, except for wrestling. My left contact got poked out twice, but other than that, i love them!

Once i lost one of my contact lenses when i went bungee jumping. :stuck_out_tongue:

I lost one contact once while travelling and for about 4 or 5 hours until the store got my prescription, I had partially antialiased vision in one eye. Made me feel like a nice non-pixel font published in Flash.

Since then, I make sure to carry at least two spare contacts (both my eyes have the same power/prescription) so that I don’t ever have those problems again.


*Originally posted by kirupa *
**I make sure to carry at least two spare contacts (both my eyes have the same power/prescription) so that I don’t ever have those problems again.

:rambo: **
I should do that :slight_smile:

i only carry spares when i’m travelling (i.e overnight or more)…

and yeah, keep your glasses for when you first wake up, or if your eyes are irritated for some reason.

Kirupa: I find that just dropping the saline straight into my eyes is ok, i don’t take the contacts out and rinse them (but whatever works for you)

and like everyone said, you CAN shower and swim in them, but if you do lap swimming especially sprints you’ll want goggles.

I’ve been wearing soft contacts for 10 years now and I wouldn’t be without them. :slight_smile:

I’ve done dancing, karate, swimming, just about everything wearing them, and the only trouble I’ve had is when you get a tiny speck of grit in your eye. But then, that hurts anyway, regardless of lenses. :slight_smile: Oh, and taking the bleeders out when my nails get too long. :stuck_out_tongue:

The weirdest thing was (because I’m short sighted) being able to see myself in a mirror from a distance without the glasses. That was sooo strange.

I’ve worn contacts for a long time, the only problem I have is working on computers, I feel more comfortable with my specs on, but I think thats more of a personal prefrence.

Kitiara “being able to see myself in a mirror from a distance without the glasses”

I’ve had glasses all my life (since, like 4 or 5 years old) so when I was able to look at myself in the mirror without specs… d@mn strange. also the first time I shaved with my contacts in, so much easier! :smiley:

I’ve been using acuvue for about 6 years and I haven’t had any problems. I can take a shower and go to sauna, and i even used to wear them for a week without taking them off. And still no problems. So I highly recommend contacts to everybody.

I use to play hockey w/ mine, ,and they cause me no trouble at all… I prefer the soft ones, they’re really easy to use and confortable! I love them! :alien2:

Although i dont recommend going to the beach using the Acuvue lenses for 10 days without taking them off… (yes, ive done that) :stuck_out_tongue: