Continuous movement

hello everybody,
i went through the continuous movement tutorial, and everything seemed to work out fine…

i’m wondering if anybody can tell me how to make the same movement (i.e. continuous movement in one direction) w/o the easing…b/c right now, as the cursor is placed further away, the objects being animated become bigger in size…for my purposes i would like to just have the objects move across the stage w/o any changes in size.

I know this can be done by tweening, but I’d like to know how to do it w/ actionscript. Thanks!

just take out this AS from the MCs :
[AS] this._xscale = 40+_root._ymouse;
this._yscale = 40+_root._ymouse;[/AS]
this part of the script controls the size / scale of the MCs

hope that helped :slight_smile:

hi ~ thanks for your reply.
i tried it, but it doesn’t work…if i take out that part of the script, then it says there’s an error and the objects don’t move…
any thoughts? thanx!

whats the error message?

the msg is in an “output” pop-up:
Symbol=clouds2_mc, Layer=Layer 1, Frame=1: Line 1: Statement block must be terminated by ‘}’
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

Symbol=clouds2_mc, Layer=Layer 1, Frame=1: Line 11: Syntax error.

anyone??? it seems like it should be ridiculously simple, but i can’t figure it out…

just what it says.
you’ve missed out a curly bracket ( } ) at the end of the statement.

DOH! hahaha…i feel so dumb now!
anyway, sure enough it worked.
much thanx 2 everyone who offered their help! =D