Hi! I’ve got this fla that i made using the continuous movement tutorial on this site. I have a few questions though, i was hoping someone could help me with.
My first question is, Im having trouble getting the squares and circles to not disappear - ive tried different numbers in the actionscript like the tut. says, but it still vanishes! Any ideas??
Also, I figured out what to take out to make the moving objects not shrink and enlarge if i wanted that, but is there a way to make the movement go in other directions as well as horizontally or even come towards the viewer?
The final one is, how can i get it to not go so darn fast at times?
Thanks for any help at all, its MUCH appreciated!!
Hi! That made it slower definitely (thanks!!) but i still get the vanishing moving images after a little. Do you have an idea how to get them to wrap back around better? Im clueless, been sitting here for a while trying though!
Im also getting confused a little, as in the tutorial, it said if your swf was going to be bigger then 300 width, then to adjust the -1000 in the actionscript (to get it to wrap quicker), which i had at -1300 and still had the problem (vanishing), but you put it at -20? And again, thanks for all your help!!
You can get all sorts of references in the AS panel, check what
all these //++()[]% stand for, it helps. Also check the button in the
right upper corner that looks like a book.
btw, my MC’s never vanish of the stage, no matter what size.
Sorry, i dont know what im doing wrong then, because even when i tried out your script it eventually went off the screen as well, just at a slower pace then what i came up with originally. Maybe ive been staring at this for too long and just cant see what im easily doing wrong. I’ll keep at it though, and really do appreciate the help! Thanks.