Continuous Scrolling Image w/ Cursor Control

I’m using this code to loop a background image over and over so it looks like an infinite rolling background.

Okay now I’ve decided I want to control the actual movement (left or right) just by my cursor. Some intertia would be good too. :slight_smile:

Anyone help?
Here’s my code for the looping background

onClipEvent (load) {
dummy_mc.duplicateMovieClip(“dummy_mc2”, 100);
dummy_mc2._x = dummy_mc._x+dummy_mc._width;
groundStartx = this._x;
groundSpeed = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x -= groundSpeed;
if (this._x<=(groundStartx-dummy_mc._width)) {
this._x = groundStartx-groundSpeed;