Continuous Work For Those Who Qualify!

[color=#636363]SPECIAL NOTE

To all company sales representative: without disrespect this is not for you. Please do not read any further. I am only interested in an individual.

Dear all great designers.


This is very important. Please do not reply if you haven’t read all the requirements.

Here’s a great opportunity for you to use your skills and earn some good pay. This is a real freelance on call job. I am looking for a few great designers, flash and web developers. If you have all three skills you are in a good position to be accepted.

Here’s what is needed:


Advance in photoshop
Advance in flash
Advance in php & mysql
Advance in html, css and javascript.

All designers, flash developers need to know html, css & javascript.

All php & mysql need to have design concept.


You need to be creative.
You need to be a team player.
You need to be RELIABLE!
You need to be friendly and outgoing.
You need to be AVAILABLE on MSN.
You need to be fast with your skills and have high quality.
You need to be patient when I am busy.

I will need to see your portfolio. Design done by yourself only and not as a team. I am looking for your personal work.

In addition, it is very important that you have high quality skills and SPEED. Able to produce designs like:


[color=#636363]1 in a few hours (2 - 4hrs), not days or weeks! Because there are a lot to be done and there’s no time to waste. If you cannot do this please do not reply. You will be put on a test on the spot and if you fail to pass, I will not select you.

For coders:

Know how to build CMS, Adsense, Shopping Cart, Online Payment System and other difficult web applications.

You need to be fast with your coding, with little errors. Code need to be clear to read and fully documented. This is important because you will be working with a team.


It is important that you are a faster worker. Because you will have a lot to do and maybe due in a very short time. We got a lot of projects coming in and so need to get them done and out to clients. Do not reply if you will take forever.


Paypal is a must. If you don’t have please do not reply. However if you are very good. I can organized another way to pay you.

I stress that this is very important. Please do not reply if you haven’t read all the requirements.

This is a serious posting for people who loves the game and are wanting to make a good living in it.


I am looking for:

5 Designers
5 Flash developers
5 PHP & MySQL coders

Once positions are filled. Your applications will be put in a queued for future processing.

How to apply:

Please add me to msn: [/color][color=#8080a8][/color][color=#636363] do not email me. Because I have loads of email coming through and may miss yours. I am sorry for that.

Do not reply here because I won’t have time to check. So if you want this please msn me.

When you msg me please state:

Your Full Name:
Your Age:
Your Location:
Your Gender:

Finally: Say you are from Kirupa.

Thank you for your time.

I hope to hear from you all.

Many thanks.
