Control Multiple Rollovers from one Function

Ok, I have been developing an interactive map, part of that has buildings, each is separate movie clip. Each needs to have a bit of stuff happen onrollover and stop onrollout. I have that all working if I code each building separate.

Instead of having 60-80 nearly identical blocks of code, is there a way I can consolidate this down to less code.

for instance, instead of declaring the name and path of the button I’m rolling over, is there a way for flash to figure that out by getting the name of the current movieclip the mouse is over and then sticking that in the code?

here is the code as it is right now:

var tt2:TooltipBuilding = new TooltipBuilding(0x660000, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF);
_root.mainMap.mainMap.cateteachingcenter.onRollOver = function() {
    loadText = new LoadVars();
    loadText.onLoad = function(success) {
        if (success) {
            // trace(success);
            _root.tooltipbig.buildingName.html = true;
            _root.tooltipbig.buildingName.htmlText = this.buildingName;
_root.mainMap.mainMap.cateteachingcenter.onRollOut = function() {

basically it is just controlling the visibility of the tooltip and then loading the txt file for that building. What would be great was if there was a way to get the name of the current movie clip the mouse is over and have that be written in instead of having to create a duplicate of the above code and changing just the name of the building and the name of the text file.