Help with button properties

I am trying to get a rollover of one button to affect the rollover of another button at same time because there is a text and picture button (seperate) for a map screen and I can figure out how to get one to access the other, please help

You want that the rollOver of one button affects the rollOver of another button ? It can be hard, because you can’t give instance names to buttons (at least not with Flash 5). What exaclty are you trying to do, I don’t understand.

pom 0]

what i am trying to do is build an interactive map with a legend of buildings and the actual building locations.

What i want to do with this is, have the building highlight when I rollover the name with a mouse and have a name popup beside the building (has well as have it highlight) when I rollover the building

The way I have it now I have a frame for every building and when you rollover the text it associates to that frame and when you rollout is goes back to blank frame then the rollover for the actual building (pic) has the text beside it in the symbol, but I am thinking there has to be a more efficient way of doing this

also with the text button (building name) when I do the mouse rollover/rollout, it seems quirky, like has I roll over the word it rollover/rollout constantly so the pic button looks like its having a seizure, is there some way to make it smooth out

yeah, honestly any help at all would be absolutly apreciated

so what u wanna do is if you roll over a name… it will change what happens if you roll over another name?..

if this is what you are doing… create a variable… string, boolean, integer… whatever just know what you are assigning it… and within your on(rollover) and on(rollout) things… have all of the actions within if statements that check what the value of your variables are… i did something similar to this to display a toggle on/off message on a rollover depending on if somthing has been played already…

here’s my code:

------------within movie clip i am accessing------------
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp var isEffect = false;
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp var isEffect2 = false;

----------------within button ------------------------
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp if(_root.isEffect != true){
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp effectMC.gotoAndStop(“swarm”);
//go to the effect within movie clip “effectMC”

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp _root.isEffect = true;//it is looking at the current effect

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp _root.isEffect2 = false;//if the other effect was on before… now its not
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp }
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp else{
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp effectMC.gotoAndStop(1);
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp _root.isEffect = false;
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp }
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp if(_root.isEffect !=true){
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp effectsToggle.gotoAndPlay(“swarmOnIn”);
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp }
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp else{
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp effectsToggle.gotoAndPlay(“swarmOffIn”);
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp }
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp if(_root.isEffect != true){
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp effectsToggle.gotoAndPlay(“swarmOnOut”);
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp }
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp else{
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp effectsToggle.gotoAndPlay(“swarmOffOut”);
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp }

it was weird… for some reason i had to use != true instead of == false because it wasnt working for some reason… but anyway…

what it does is it declares the variables when the movie clip loads… then it checks the value of them… if effect 1 is not loaded…

if(_root.isEffect !=true){

it will go into the movie clip “effectsToggle” and play the animation to say “turn this on”…

etc… (you can probably figure out the rest… its not real complicated)

the boolean variables are toggled when its clicked for me… but you can just move that to the rollover in your case… i commented some extra lines within the code above…

hope this helps


thank you kindly! :slight_smile: