Hai Guys (and Girls),
I’m helping a friend with a menu and I just got a little problem here. The menu items are created dynamic out of empty movieclips and have the name movie + x. Now I’m trying to create a method that resets al the other movieclips to their original size and colour when one is pressed. The first problem is to adress the other ones. Even if I try to put the following in the script: movie[x]._alpha = 0; nothing happens… Why??? Check a part of the script below, if you would like. I’m going crazy on this one!! :h: Please help me out here!
for (x=1; x<=11; x++) {
eval(“movie” + x).onRelease = function() {
var my_strNr:String = this._name
beginStr = my_strNr.length-1; endStr = my_strNr.length
var strNr = my_strNr.substr(beginStr,endStr);
this._xscale = 130;
this._yscale = 130;
this._y = this._y-14;
this.button2.htmlText = “<p class=‘button_large_red’>”+root.getString("exp_years"+strNr);
this.enabled = false;