Ok I have the following code…
menu = new XML();
menu.ignoreWhite = true;
menu.onLoad = function() {
items = this.firstChild.childNodes;
for (i=0; i<=items.length-1; i++) {
_root.attachMovie("eventbuttons", "item"+i, i);
_root["item"+i].nametxt.text = items*.attributes.name;
_root["item"+i].datetxt.text = items*.attributes.date;
_root["item"+i].clubtxt.text = items*.attributes.club;
_root["item"+i].categorytxt.text = items*.attributes.category;
_root["item"+i]._y = 25*i;
_root["item"+i]._y += 245.5;
_root["item"+i]._x = 515.5;
_root["item"+i].itemUrl = items*.attributes.theurl;
_root["item"+i].onRelease = function() {
getURL(this.itemUrl, "_blank");
// end of for
I want to load this dynamic menu on an empty movie clip located on the main timeline…say “emptymc”. What do I have to change in order to do that? Thanks a bunch!
just make the menu a swf itself.
then in your main swf file, load the menu.swf into your container clip.
Hm thats a good idea… thanks!
But for future reference, what if I just wanted to add it so that it creates the buttons in an empty movie clip… what would I have to change?
Wait no on second thought that wont work, its still being loaded on the main time line (the dynamic buttons)…
naw it should be on containerclips timeline
containerclip = myEmptyMovieClip or whatever you were gonna call it
I thought when you load something into _root it loads it into the MAIN timeline?
anyway, it would be nice to know how i could load those dynamic elements into its own movie clip so that I dont have to fiddle with external swfs… 
well you empty container clip is on the main timeline
so the command is
_root[“MCtimeline to attach to”].attachmovie
you can do it without fiddling with external swfs its just easier for you to fiddle with external clips
alternatively you could do
root.containerClip.attachMovieClip(“linkage”,“new Instance name”,depth);
and set the X/y of the new movie clip(but remember to use localtoGlobal and globalToLocal to convert the coords inside/outide your container clip otherwise its not going to place right
and what would i do about
_root.["item"+i].nametxt.text = items*.attributes.name;
i tried _root.emptymc[“item”+i].nametxt.text = items*.attributes.name;
but that didnt see to work with what you wrote above…
ok my problem is that menu that is being loaded wont unload itself. While I CAN unload the dynamic clips by doing an unloadmovie command, its not feasable because I never know how many buttons are actually going 2 b created…
I need to b able to load those buttons in its own movie clip so that I can unload that movie clip @ will… the method u listed above actually creates the dynamic buttons on the main timeline. please help 
I dunno im pretty new to flash post yer FLA and maybe i can help fix it…