Controlling mouse cursor "look" on rollover

how in mx do you make it so on mouseover the mouse doesnt turn into “the hand” or “click” shape and just stays in it’s normal state as if it were over a non dynamic object?

I know this isnt to hard… any help is apreciated?


Do this for each button instance:

buttonname.useHandCursor = false;

hope that helps.=]

this should just go in the first frame of the movie correct?

…it doesnt seem to be working :-\

I just tested it matt and it should work, you need to change the ‘buttonname’ to the instance name you gave your button… that is the only thing I could see being wrong

(yes, it should be in the first frame)

right… i did that… doesnt seem to be working for me. is this compatiable with all systems. im running xp proffesional.

I’d assume it’s compatible… I’m using XP Home…
Are you using Flash MX?

give the button an instance name in the properties panel and use that name instead of ‘buttonname’

Here, I went ahead and made you a .fla

dangit ahmed… I was tryin to help someone


lol :P…

yes, flash mx… right of course i gave it a name… im not really a newb to actionscript or anything, i just didnt know the condition string… so ya, i have no idea why this is not working… the button im using is an ivisable button… perhaps that could have something to do with it?

I don’t think that should make a difference… can you post a fla or some code or something?


the actionscript had to be placed in the same frame as the button originated… as was done in your file. works great


glad it worked :slight_smile:

you can also do that with regular movieclips and have them act as buttons:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) {

as you may or may not know, that code has to go in the movieclip.

thats a good way of doing it also… however then you render the onmouse events that of course come with using a button as useless. (since MC do not have the same events.)

good way to do it… just not for what im doing. thanks though! its all set now anyway:)

oh i forgot to mention that you can set certain functions dealing with the mouse too…

this.onMouseDown = function() {};
