Controlling multple SWF playback

Looking for a little help,

Here’s my problem. I have multiple embeded flash files (videos)located in different places on a webpage. I would like that if “Video A” is playing and they click play on “Video B” that “video A” would stop. This keeps the users from having two video files playing at the same time.

Mind you, that these are two seperate embedded flash files located at different places on the HTML page.

I thought I could create a Local Connection with the files but I would have to have a specific connection for each flash. So that A could talk to B and C and B to A and C and so on. I was hoping that I could just have the flash file play and send some kind of variable or command that would tell the other playing flash to stop. I know how to hard code all the LCO’s but I was hoping there was some dynamic script that I could put in every file that was the same.

Thanks very much in advance for your help and expertise. I appreciate all responses very much. Have a great day.
