Hi please can anyone help with this, what i hope little problem.
I am building a site using levels, level2 is my navigation which will load a swf into level1.
what i am trying to do is get the movie in level1 to call an action on level2 once it has loaded, i though merely adding a _level2.gotoAndPlay into the if statement on the loader would do this but i can’t make it work, i think perhaps i am not targetting correctly…
below is the code for the loader as it is at the moment.
myLoaded = Math.round(getBytesLoaded());
myTotal = Math.round(getBytesTotal());
myPercent = myLoaded/myTotal;
myBar._width = myPercent*560;
myText = Math.round(myPercent*100)+"%";
if (myLoaded == myTotal) {
} else {