Goto problems

Is there any way to do the folllowing?
I´ve loaded a movie (level2) and I´m having my “navigation” swf loaded at level 1.
I´d like to go to a specific framenumber in the level2 movie from a buton instance in the level1 movie.
I can´t figure this one out help please.:*(

If the path is correct, there shouldn’t be any problem. Try something like _level2.gotoAndPlay(“theLabel”);

pom :hair:

Try using the little targetting tool in the Actions panel. You need to be in Normal mode to do that, but if you click on the crosshair at the top of the panel, you’ll see a tree structure of all your movies clips. From there you can select the item you wish to gotoAndPlay. :slight_smile:

The problem with levels is that you have to wait until they are loaded (at least to a point where they are recognized in Flash) before you can reference them and give them commands such as gotoAndPlay etc. Trying to use loadMovie and a gotoAndPlay on the same frame for the level you just loaded will yield no result. One way of handling this is just having a frame loop/timer loop checking to see if the frame you need to go to is loaded, and if so, then go to that frame, ie.

checkLoaded = function(){
	if (_level1._framesloaded >= 10){
intervalID = setInterval(checkLoaded, 50);