Convert as 1.0 script to 2.0

Hy :slight_smile: i have very nice counter and i want to use it but i have problem it in as 1.0 and i want to use it in as 2.0 with flash payer 10.0. i uploaded file below and if someone can modify it in as 2.0 please help me :slight_smile:

**the code is very short **

    _visible = 0
    n_1 = 0
    vel = 22
    txt = n_1
        _visible = true
        n_1 = Number(txt)
        diff = ((n_2 - n_1)/vel)
        n_3 += diff
        txt = int(n_3)
    numero = Number(numero)
    _root.visite.n_2 = numero
    _root.visite.parti = true
    _root.connecting._visible = 0

hope u help me guys :slight_smile: