OK, a question that I notice has been posted on this (and I’m sure plenty of other) forums in the past, but one that I was after a slighty different kind of answer to: is it possible to export/convert a Flash movie (SWF) to a movie file format such as AVI, MP4 etc?
Usually the responses to this question include links to all kinds of utilities that claim to be able to do the job, but before I go and try half a dozen of them out, I just want to know if it’s realistic to expect any SWF-movie format conversion to retain the clarity and quality of the original? And further to that, will the conversion tool recognise scripted movie elements such as dynamic tweening?
Here is the case I have: a client wants a Flash movie I’ve created available as an MP4. Because it is 90% dependent on Actionscripted tweening, I can’t simply use ‘export movie’. In the end I took the advice of a colleague and captured the SWF using screen recording software; but the resultant AVI look apalling, and the process stopped there.
So, is there any chance at all of getting a movie from an SWF that exactly (or as near as makes no difference) retains the quality of the original?