hahahaha, that’s so funny!!! hahahahaha
Hey Rev,
I was jusst clicking through your site and I noticed the back button in your portfolio does not work from Evolve Digital to the Fear Effect 2 site.
Just wanted to let you know in case you did not.
Nice site by the way
Thanks, I did not know that…
It is really something I just threw together for a client a couple years ago, who ended up picking something else… :-\
I try to use all of the stuff I come up with eventually, recycle, reuse…
What about:
cool !!! second candidate: www.liquidmx.com
oopss, www.liquidmx.com is not avaliable, mmm. maybe liquidmx.net
but it is still a candidate !!
liquidmx is a cool name
are available.
Now that you started this discusion, I’ve come up with a ton of sweet ones, but I like LiquidMX the best, and I might use one of the others…
--------footnote added as follows…
totally random but hey, why not. Does anybody know how to export an image from Fireworks MX as a gif or jpg?
post all your options, maybe there are some better !!!
how about:
for that south of the border flair…
I figured I would be the odd ball and give out off the wall names. So how about…
liquidco2 (as in Liquid CO<SUB>2</SUB>)
Can you please tell what the basic theme of your company is? i eman it will kinda help me for suggesting the name what do you plan for your basic theme of the organisaion you are planing to open. and forgive the spelling msitakes.
(in hurry)
take care
Ya there are no good domains left. I think I’m going to buy
www.funnyclownpenis.com. I know it is one of the only names left in .com. I’m just glad my personal domain was still open. Now i have to think of a comapy mane as well. Mabye i’ll take one of the leftovers from here.
I think for real I’m going to by www.funnyclownpenis.com. I don’t know what I’ll put there but it will be funny.
lol … I like that one phil!
buy it now or I will!! jk
is babiestasteofchicken.com available?
“Cannibles say that human flesh tastes like chicken. So, babies must taste of chickens, and chickens taste of humans… Good, I’m glad you’re coming with me on that…” -Eddie Izzard
well, the company is about flash and html web design, interactive cds, banners, logos, all that!
but i still cant find a name that is reallly really “the chosen one”
and i’d lke to have a .com domain, not .net, .biz, .nfo
Ya u have to be really creative when picking a name now. U can always put a “inc” or co" behind your name. The worst is when your name is taking but the site that is there sucks ass and hasn’t been updated sience 95.:evil:
If your not going to use it take it off and sell the domain :evil:
I gotta say you guys are sad. lol, I cant even afford my own domain name.
anyway, since you requested some more names, I’v got some more decent ones…
LiquidMX <-- said that already
Binary Designs
g2 (Genetic Graphics)
more later