Vote for the new name:

ok, so the day is today!!
vote for what you think sounds better than

How about E- Bertha

Extremely overweight people are funny, and often generate sympathy.

Well considering you will be running a somewhat business from this site, you will be making money from it.

Last I checked, wasn’t .org reserved for profit free sites? sounds like a tutorial site.

Liquidsintax is a total bite of sintaxs’ name on this forum.

Hrmm, I have to think long and hard before I vote.

I decided to vote for LiquidMercury.

Reborn anything just didn’t have that flow to it, didn’t sound right.

LiquidMercury was the only one that sounded right to me out of those.

or if you have better ideas, submit them!
:stuck_out_tongue: maybe there’s a great name waiting , so these are not all the options avaliable, you can add more, so if you have any suggestion :slight_smile: it will help a lot!

and about the image, i dont like it AT ALL!!!:sleep:

i voted for the wrong one~!:*( :frowning: