I can’t even see the footer!
well gee dan why not? Ok, I’ll make it smaller tomorrow…or maby now. I dunno.
It is part of an image i made in photoshop…my first one ever hehehehe! maby ill post it on my site w/ a link in a thread for some criticism…waddyathink?
That is what the Drawing and Design forum is for.
Post your drawing and design work so people can pick at it
good plan
im glad someone has a brain around here
lil glitch in my footer. i just fixed it again, why hasnt it been fixed here?
its works fine here
added later
ah hah now it works
Rev for the love of good. How can u submit us to this. And Dan thinks my footer is bad. Really that is pure evil that footer.
You guys just need to watch 2 episodes of Red Dwarf, and you would be laughing just as lost & me…
:beam: :beam: :beam: :beam:
ps. Holly is part of ‘the posse’
Definitely. I can’t believe they don’t play them where I am at anymore
I loved that show.
have you ever heard of Red Green?
The Great White North’s cross between Bob Vila and George Sanford…
Nope :-\
“Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati”
when all else fails, play dead…
another of the up-to-date-insomniac’s favs…
I will have to check that out sometime, my comp is being retarded right now, so I am not going there now.
i kinda liek the company name:
lol however the resblence would probablly get you in trouble lol
(yes i switched the R and the C… I meant to do that.)
Hey Eberth did you find your self a name or are still wondering, good name with .com.
i dont know but they say you must give up something for something. Try
Ngised (if you can pronounce id its the design spelled backwards)
i am also planing to launch a firm and i know its hard to find good names. especially with .coms any way best of luck
[Off Topic]
Hey just so u know Rev every one in Canada hates Red Green. He really creates a poor image for Canadians. I don’t live in a log cabin or ware flanal. It isn’t always winter here. Lowest winter temp 35-40 degrees celceus. Highest Summer 35-40 degrees celceus. And we don’t use the word “eh” or “aboot” that is New Found Land which I have stated before most Canadians treat it like another country. So please no one think that Canada is anything like what Red Green portrays.
Sorry but i just hate Red Green So Much:evil: :evil: :evil:
[Off Topic]
sounds like I hit a sore spot…
Just all cops in America shoot their guns every day on the job, drive around in cool cars, and live in expensive lofts…
I like Red Green, not because he is Canadian, more like in spite he is Canadian…
Just as long as ppl don’t think thats what Canada is like. It is the complete reverse of that. I just hate him so so so so so so so much:evil: :evil: :evil:
I hate hime more than your footer.
no, i havent found a very good name
still searching…
how about UglerSpiserMus.com?
its danish for Owls Eat Mice
yeah., but when
and after the name, i still have to design the logo (wich is easier compared to search a name) but it still requires some time!
snif sniff