Cool company name?

I can’t even see the footer!

well gee dan why not? Ok, I’ll make it smaller tomorrow…or maby now. I dunno.

It is part of an image i made in photoshop…my first one ever hehehehe! maby ill post it on my site w/ a link in a thread for some criticism…waddyathink?

That is what the Drawing and Design forum is for.

Post your drawing and design work so people can pick at it :stuck_out_tongue:

good plan

im glad someone has a brain around here

lil glitch in my footer. i just fixed it again, why hasnt it been fixed here?

its works fine here

added later
ah hah now it works

Rev for the love of good. How can u submit us to this. And Dan thinks my footer is bad. Really that is pure evil that footer.:stuck_out_tongue:

You guys just need to watch 2 episodes of Red Dwarf, and you would be laughing just as lost & me…

:beam: :beam: :beam: :beam:


ps. Holly is part of ‘the posse’

Definitely. I can’t believe they don’t play them where I am at anymore :frowning:

I loved that show.


have you ever heard of Red Green?

The Great White North’s cross between Bob Vila and George Sanford…



Nope :-\

“Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati”

when all else fails, play dead…


another of the up-to-date-insomniac’s favs…


I will have to check that out sometime, my comp is being retarded right now, so I am not going there now.

i kinda liek the company name:


lol however the resblence would probablly get you in trouble lol

(yes i switched the R and the C… I meant to do that.)

Hey Eberth did you find your self a name or are still wondering, good name with .com.

i dont know but they say you must give up something for something. Try

Ngised (if you can pronounce id its the design spelled backwards)
i am also planing to launch a firm and i know its hard to find good names. especially with .coms any way best of luck

[Off Topic]
Hey just so u know Rev every one in Canada hates Red Green. He really creates a poor image for Canadians. I don’t live in a log cabin or ware flanal. It isn’t always winter here. Lowest winter temp 35-40 degrees celceus. Highest Summer 35-40 degrees celceus. And we don’t use the word “eh” or “aboot” that is New Found Land which I have stated before most Canadians treat it like another country. So please no one think that Canada is anything like what Red Green portrays.

Sorry but i just hate Red Green So Much:evil: :evil: :evil:
[Off Topic]

sounds like I hit a sore spot… :stuck_out_tongue:

Just all cops in America shoot their guns every day on the job, drive around in cool cars, and live in expensive lofts… :stuck_out_tongue:

I like Red Green, not because he is Canadian, more like in spite he is Canadian… :stuck_out_tongue:


Just as long as ppl don’t think thats what Canada is like. It is the complete reverse of that. I just hate him so so so so so so so much:evil: :evil: :evil:

I hate hime more than your footer.:stuck_out_tongue:

no, i havent found a very good name :frowning:
still searching…

how about

its danish for Owls Eat Mice

yeah., but when :frowning:
and after the name, i still have to design the logo (wich is easier compared to search a name) but it still requires some time!
:frowning: snif sniff